Nankai University held the International Forum on Urban Emission and Air Quality Modelling

The International Forum on Urban Emission and Air Quality Modelling was held in Tianjin to promote the development of pollution prevention and control inside Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, improve urban air quality, and provide scientific support to environmental management. The forum was co-sponsored by Nankai University’s College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Urban Transport Emission Control Research Centre and State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Urban Particulate Air Pollution Prevention, and co-organized by Tianjin Motor Vehicle Security Check and Control Center Joint Laboratory and Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants (CERC).
The forum aimed at creating a platform to encourage research and exchanges among scientific researchers, environmental managerial personnel, and experts in pollution prevention. More than 100 national and international experts and scholars from Chinese Academy of Sciences, State Meteorological Administration, Peking University, Nanjing University, CERC, and other institutions discussed the latest research progress and application of urban air quality modelling system. The 13 keynote reports delivered in the forum included Research on Air Emissions Sources, Influence of Urban Traffic Pollution on Environmental Air Quality, and Modelling and Management of Urban Air Environmental Quality. Nankai University’s Prof. Mao Hongjun and Prof. Feng Yinchang gave speeches on behalf of Urban Transport Emission Control Research Centre and State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Urban Particulate Air Pollution Prevention.