Publication or Research Impact
Publication or Research Impact
The growth and structure of RF sputtered indium tin oxide thin films 2017-10-13
Structure of iron oxide films prepared by evaporating various iron oxide powders 2017-10-13
The Chadi total energy algorithm for determining surface geometries 2017-10-13
Cluster size and spatial distributions in gold deposits on NaCl surfaces 2017-10-13
Modeling of dopant incorporation, segregation, and ion/surface interaction effects during semiconductor film growth by molecular beam epitaxy and plasma-based techniques 2017-10-13
The contribution of kinetic nucleation theories to studies of Volmer-Weber thin film growth 2017-10-13
Facile Synthesis of Leaf-like Cu(OH)2and Its Conversion into CuO with Nanopores 2017-10-13
Effect of Cationic Micelles on the Kinetics of Interaction of [Cr(III)-Gly-Gly]2+with Ninhydrin 2017-10-13
Dynamical Spin Chirality and Magnetoelectric Effect of α-Glycine 2017-10-13
Comparison of Methods for Counting Hoofed Animal Density in Sikhote-Alin 2017-10-13
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